Many people have been put off singing in choirs by experiences at school or elsewhere, or may simply lack the confidence to join with others in collective music-making. But many of us also really enjoy a good sing and would like to enjoy the many proven physical and emotional benefits of singing together …. so this is where the Funk Wire, led by our "choir master" Ron Norman, comes in.

The Funk Wire is an inclusive community participation choir which we originally set up in 2016. No previous experience, ability to read music or musical ability needed! 

With a wide repertoire of pop tunes from Abba to Zappa (well … maybe one day!) and other favourites, we sing primarily for our own pleasure, with occasional events with guests (such as our annual Christmas gathering) where we try to facilitate ‘singalongs’. 

We normally meet fortnightly on Thursday afternoons from 2pm – 4pm at the Conistone with Kilnsey Village Hall, and anyone is very welcome to come along for a ‘taster’.

Please note the temporary changes of venues while Conistone with Kilnsey hall is being repaired.

Thursdays April 4th and 18th –   2pm Main Hall, Grassington Devonshire Institute

Thursday May 2nd -  2pm Main Hall, Grassington Devonshire Institute

Thursdays May 16th and 30th - 2pm locations Kettlewell Village Hall

Thursdays June 6th and 27th  2pm Grassington Devonshire Institute

Thursday July 11th - 2pm Grassington Devonshire Institute

Thursday July 18th – end of term Summers Singalong, details below. Full day for some (full fatters!)



Thursday July 18th       Grassington Town Hall

Full fat members:

• Start 9.30 am

• Tea & coffee available but bring own lunch + water

• Work intensively on new material for pm performance.


Semi-Skimmed choir members and Guests arrive 2pm for fizz, nibbles & bites

• Start 2.30pmish: hear a performance by the Full Fat Funk Wire!

• Followed by usual singalong

Finish 4.30pm


You can watch and participate in the Funk Wire YouTube videos here


Funk Wire – Past Performances

Sadly our 2020/21 events were severely curtailed due to the Covid Pandemic

9th May 2020: A singalong celebrating the anniversary of VE-Day, outside (and socially distanced) on the village green Arncliffe

Summer 2020 Ron established the YouTube videos for the choir to keep singing whilst in Covid lockdowns.

11th November 2021: The Funk Wire sessions restarted in Arncliffe village hall

10th December 2021: Christmas singalong at Kettlewell Village Hall



29th June: Funk Wire sang in Grassington Square as part of the Grassington Festival encouraging the audience to sing along

13th December: Christmas singalong to a packed audience in Village Hall, Arncliffe

22nd December: Funk Wire took part in the Christmas Carol Service at St. Oswald's church in Arncliffe 



19thDecember : Christmas singalong to a packed audience in the Falcon Inn Arncliffe

10thJuly : Performance and singalong with Kettlewell WI at the Village Hall, Kettlewell

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the WW1 Armistice Funk Wire held two performances of period pieces at Cracoe Village Hall as part of the 1918 exhibition

14th December: the Choir held a Christmas singalong to a full audience in the Falcon Inn Arncliffe

23rd December: Played a part in the Christmas Carol Service at St. Oswald's church in Arncliffe



17th August: Inaugural "Summer Singalong" at the Falcon Inn  Arncliffe



For website 9.JPG

The Funk Wire performing in Grassington Square during Festival weekend

For website 8.JPGThe Funk Wire annual Christmas Sing along

The Funk Wire  

Please note the additional session on June 6th at Grassington.

More details about our last session of the year and the Summer singalong can be seen on the Funk Wire pages.

2024 Subsidised Workshops 


Details of workshops in felting, tapestry and lino-printing are to be found on the What's On pages.

Presenting the Past

If you missed the exhibition weekends don't worry, you can enjoy much of it here:

The Photo Archive

The Film of the Project

The Interviews